
Found 205 blog entries about Tips.


Holiday decorating has such a warm, cozy, and festive allure to it. Think: Wearing your favorite sweater and fuzzy socks with a hot cocoa in hand while playfully hanging up decorations with the kids. Of course, there’s also that perfect holiday playlist in the background and heck, why not hope for gently falling snow outside, as well. 

The truth? Holiday decorating can be a major dread for some. Think: The world’s largest ball of tangled lights, not being able to find your kid’s handmade ornaments from last year and overspending on those latest Pinterest ideas.

Good news? With a little organizing, simplifying and planning, the process can be much more of a hot-cocoa-in-hand experience than a dread-inducing weekend project. Below are a few tips to

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Among the list of very important to-dos when you are contemplating buying your first (or next) home is the somewhat daunting concept of making sure you are able to fund this adventure. Writing out your “must-haves” and picking out features you’d really love in a home is the fun part. Unfortunately, without the proper finances, your “must-haves” will quickly disappear into “never-wills.” 

Before you even start setting money aside, there are a few things you should do to ensure that your money-saving plan is as effective as possible:

Check Your Credit Score 

Knowing your credit score and what your credit report looks like will give you a better idea of the kind of financing you’ll be able to qualify for. Checking your credit early in the process

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With fall just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to give your home an energy efficiency assessment. Are you setting yourself up to save money in the coming chilly months, or will you need to pay through the nose again this year?

If you want to make sure your home won’t take a chunk of your holiday cash, check out our surefire tips to ensure that you and yours are warm, toasty, and energy-savvy this fall and winter.

Adjust the Temperature

Heating your home makes up a large portion of your energy consumption. At night, wear warm pajamas, socks, and layer blankets on your bed to stay warm.

By installing a programmable thermostat and setting it to run 10° – 15° cooler on cold nights and back up to warm up the house in the morning, you

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Smart home technology has been something that we as a population have longed for; science fiction shows and movies have wowed audiences with ideas for home automation that most of us would really like to enjoy in our day-to-day lives.

With the cost of DIY smart technology being lower than ever before, smart homes are now in the realm of possibility for many homeowners. The question is, should you be an early adopter, or wait for safer, even more affordable options? Do you worry that a smart home upgrade would leave you fumbling to turn on your lights or adjust your thermostat, or are you chomping at the bit to get every one of your home’s electronic devices connected to your smart phone?

Whether you’re tech-savvy or a reluctant luddite, there are

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This is a sponsored post brought to you by HMS Home Warranty.

Water is an important resource, however many homes use more of it than they realize. As such, it’s vital to consider the ways homeowners can conserve water as this will ultimately create positive environmental changes and cut costs for them as well.



There are many ways the average homeowner wastes water without even being aware. In fact, some methods homeowners may think save on water actually do the very opposite, according to the Charles River Watershed Association. For instance, running a dishwasher only when it’s absolutely full won’t keep dishes from getting clean, but it will save water quickly and easily. And for those who hand-wash their dishes,

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A fresh coat of paint can make a space feel instantly new again. With a relatively low cost compared to other major renovations, usually, the biggest thing standing between homeowners and fresh paint is trying to decide on a color. While you should always go with your own personal style, we’ve scoured the internet for some of this years’ trendiest paint colors. Ready, set, paint!


A blue this rich can bring not just style, but calm into your home with the hue reminiscent of the ocean and the sky at dusk. Depending on what color scheme you’re going for, you can bring in different accent colors. While this is a shady, beach feel – different accent colors will evoke an entirely different feel. This shade is close to Endless Sea by

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July 15th is Pet Fire Safety Day. At first glance, it seems like another obscure “holiday” that was more or less invented out of nowhere by the news spreading on social media. But by all means, this is no “National Cheeseburger” type of day. In fact, it’s a day to think about the unthinkable and plan ahead for emergencies to keep your furbabies safe.

Not only is it important to have emergency escape plans put in place for your pets, but it’s incredibly important to know how to prevent pets accidentally causing fires.

An estimated 500,000 pets are affected annually by fires each year.

Here are a few tips for keeping your pets safe in the event of an emergency:


  • Include them in your household emergency plan. This includes having
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Moving into a new home is an exciting time, but can be a complicated process. You may be done with the paperwork and have your keys in hand, but if you’re not organized and efficient in your packing and unpacking, your move may not be as smooth as you hoped. Use these tips to be sure the move to your new home is headache free!


You probably know everything that you’ll need for your move, but take the time to write it down before you head out to shop. During such a highly stressful time, an extra trip to the store can feel like a real inconvenience, so save yourself the aggravation and prepare a list.

Suggested Packing Supplies:

  • Clean, strong boxes (in which case choosing used is okay)
  • Plain packing paper (skip
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Summer is here, and that means it’s time to get outside and grill. A successful backyard cookout depends largely on preparation and know-how, so here are our tips to ensure that your burgers are the best on the block.


If you’re choosing a grill for the first time, there are four popular types to choose from: charcoal, electric, gas, and gas-powered infrared. Each type has pros and cons.

Charcoal grills impart a smoky, full flavor to food; in fact, this flavor is what many people associate with an outdoor cookout. However, charcoal grills require a lot of space away from structures because they are a serious fire risk. You’ll need to start this type of grill well in advance of your intended grill time and have plenty of

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In general, most people have become more aware of the importance of recycling materials that are accepted by recycling companies. Taking a few moments to learn about the ever-expanding size of the landfills in the United States is all it takes to get more serious about recycling plastics, paper, glass and more.

Sometimes, rather than tossing used containers and other items into the recycling bin after you’ve used them, you can potentially repurpose them to use them again in a different way! Doing so means you don’t have to purchase a new item (because you can make it from materials you already own). Getting more than one use out of a single item is even more environmentally friendly than traditional recycling. The more uses you can get out of…
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